Regular Spring Registration is open and ongoing until January 10. Before you leave for winter break make sure to contact your Academic Advisor and set up an appointment. Speaking to your advisor assures you are taking the right courses for your degree path.
ReadWriteThink (RWT) is a free online resource to assist in improving reading and writing skills for K-12 and adult learning. The RWK app allows students to engage in literacy-learning using tablet devices. No internet connection is needed for the app once it’s downloaded. There are materials for math, science, life skills, and history. RWT has classroom-tested online resources including student interactives and games, lesson plans, timelines for teaching objectives, classroom resources, and downloadable printouts. These resources are a helpful tool for educators looking to extend their student’s reading and writing skills. There are also professional development opportunities for educators and afterschool resources for parents and students.
Lesson plans and activities are well-designed by reading and writing experts and encourage depth of learning. Many of the games have integrated content matter. There are hundreds of engaging activities, lesson plans, and printouts for educators to use in designing lessons for their students. This site is easy to navigate and information is easy to access. There is an abundance of information including resources in Spanish available for both educators and parents. All of the lessons correlate to reading and writing standards. There is even a literacy calendar that includes literacy history with resources added so students can always find something special about any day to read about.
Ms. Evans came to Sul Ross in 2016 as the Education and Outreach Librarian and was recently named the Director of Library and Research Technologies in the new Division of Educational and Cultural Resources. “As a librarian, my lifelong goal is to foster curiosity and provide education in support of access to information.” As the Director of the Library, she ensures that the library functions efficiently and grows strategically with customer service that centers our students, staff, and faculty populations.
“I really have the best job at Sul Ross.” Ms. Evans enjoys the atmosphere of people working, learning, and collaborating on all floors of the library building. Whether in her office, at the front desk, or wandering the stacks, she invites conversation with fellow Lobos. When presenting to a room full of new students about what she affectionately calls “library stuff” she admittedly gets a little nervous until she sees smiles and heads nodding. “That feeling is a great memory!”
Ms. Evans enjoys being involved with the Alpine and Big Bend communities. She is currently the Chair of the SRSU Sustainability Council and loves visiting and working with the nice folks at the Hal Flanders Recycling Center. She is also on the Board of the Alpine Public Library where she shares her love of libraries with other dedicated and passionate library fans. “Our public library is beautiful and provides excellent service to residents.”
Hens make great pets!
When Ms. Evans is not working, she loves to take walks and observe the beautiful scenery in Alpine, working in her garden, and watching her 16 pandemic chickens grow. Pictured above is Ms. Evans with her partner and favorite hen, Pierogi. Sul Ross State University is blessed to have Betsy Evans as a part of our incredibly talented library staff.
It is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Protecting your password privacy is your digital responsibility, but protecting the privacy of your institution is also part of your digital citizenship. Too many times we are stopped from work because of another scam email or alerted to a possible threat to the institution’s servers. Malware is used to monitor and steal information and can cause your device to crash. It can be difficult to remove. Knowledge is power. Information about malware and how to prevent or possibly remove it can be found in this government article.
Using an added login process strengthens the security of your accounts. One-factor authentication requires your password, but two-factor authentication requires an additional step to log in. This added process makes it harder for unwanted attacks on yours and Sul Ross State University’s sensitive information. This method, (2FA) typically requires a code being sent to your phone or email to authenticate the user after your initial login/password process. Read more about 2FA and future changes that may be added to login security to your accounts here at Sul Ross State University to require two-step authentication.
Blackboard Collaborate is a video and web conferencing tool used for virtual classrooms in Blackboard. Sul Ross uses Blackboard for its Learning Management System (LMS). With the importance of using online video and audio conferencing during COVID, Blackboard Collaborate is a beneficial addition to the Blackboard LMS that is available for use in the course design itself. It was specifically designed to provide synchronous learning using live video and multimedia. There are many features including two-way audio, multi-point video, interactive whiteboard, application and desktop sharing, breakout rooms for group work, polling options, and session recording. Blackboard Collaborate provides all the online tools for learner engagement, academic effectiveness, and education insight. With more educators teaching online, Blackboard Collaborate can help with using effective teaching practices that have students collaborating, creating, communicating, and critically thinking. An advantage of using Blackboard Collaborate includes improved security and packaging on content within the LMS or Blackboard course.
Blackboard Collaborate makes it easy to reach your students wherever they might be. After you record your lessons, they are stored in a default room in the course so students can go back and view at any time. Recently upgraded it is convenient and simple to use. Everything you might need for your flipped classroom is quick and easy to design. Your students will find that a huge benefit is it is mobile-friendly.
There are many learning resources online to help understand the features in Blackboard Collaborate. Available resources are also found on the Sul Ross State University website.
Educational Instructional Technology is a field of study that investigates the process of analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating the instructional environment and learning materials in order to improve teaching and learning.
The use of technology in every area of education is only increasing and the skills needed to effectively integrate technology into learning environments are in HIGH DEMAND. There is no better area to specialize in if you wish to prepare yourself for a future where knowledgeable and technology savvy specialists, instructors, and administrators are highly valued and much needed.
Learn more about this degree program and how to apply by going to the website below.
Administrative Assistant for the Education Department
Madison Owen is here for you! As the administrative assistant to the Education Department at Sul Ross State University, she helps students and potential students with general questions regarding our Education programs. Ms. Owen is located at the front desk in the Education Department and greets everyone with a smile.
Her duties are extensive including assisting with the process of student teaching placements every semester for each student, organization of student files, and providing answers for students that call. Ms. Owen is there to assist and direct in any collaboration of communication with all faculty, staff, and students. She enjoys working with a supportive community that welcomes anyone. “Working with and helping the SR students are my most favorite part of my position. I feel that a hard-working college student deserves a University that works just as hard for them”.
Ms. Owen’s mom, Jennifer Mustain is a Sul Ross alumni and brought her along to her classes on some occasions when she was young. Feeling the excitement of university life and feeling “the big kid life” inspired and motivated her to work hard to earn her bachelor’s degree in 2018. This fall, she started pursuing her master’s degree in Licensed Professional Counseling here at Sul Ross and is enjoying it. Ms.Owen is family to Sul Ross State University. The experience she brings to her position is an asset to the Education Department.
It’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Creating strong passwords, different passwords for multiple accounts, and changing your password frequently prevents others from stealing your information. Using a password manager is an easy option for keeping your passwords protected and accessible to only you. Keeping your password secure is your digital responsibility. Read more about it here:
Using Zoom for incorporating the 4C’s (communication, creativity, critical thinking, and communication) into discussions and virtual lessons present an opportunity for increased engagement with students. Keeping students’ attention can be difficult, but using the features in Zoom for engaging your students is easy.
Create a poll to interact with students! Feedback and reflection are excellent ways to keep students engaged. Everyone likes to know what people think about their work. Giving student’s a chance to respond in a poll supports critical thinking skills and gives them self-efficacy.
The priority registration schedule begins on November 2nd! When you will be able to register is determined by your classification. Please see registration dates for detailed information, as well as for instructions on how to register. The schedule is available now for planning purposes.
You must clear all holds before registration will be possible. Check for holds by logging in to mySRSU, then contact the appropriate offices to clear them.