Category Archives: Training

Where should I start?

Howdy Lobos!

Are you really eager to get moving with your personal records management program but have no idea where to start? When laying the foundation for your program I suggest you do two things..

1a. Attend one of the trainings provided by the Records Management division


1b. Schedule a time to have a one-on-one training session (for this I would anticipate a                 one to one and a half hour long session)

2. After you’ve been properly trained, I would schedule an inventory for your office.                      During the course of the inventory we will be able to shred/delete documents that                    are either past retention, unessential or old reference documents.

With training and a completed inventory, you’ll be able to start with a solid foundation to grow from there. Remember that with any changes made, consistent upkeep is needed. Do not plan to tackle records management sparingly. Be prepared to make the necessary changes and keep up with them!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our offices.


Is my cell phone included in the Records Management laws of Texas?

In short, yes!

To review the Texas Legislature notes that a record is defined as any “written, photographic, machine-readable, or other recorded information created or received by or on behalf of a state agency…” Though this definition doesn’t specifically mention the source of media, text messages are included in this definition.

Why? In our society often times a text is sent before an email notice or even a verbal message. It is possible to create a state record on your cell phone if you are conducting official state business through your phone. 

Texting your boss/co-workers to let them know that you’ll be in for work, or to call in sick would not be a record. The following are some practical situations by which your text messages would become state records.

  1. If you’re texting a co-worker to let them know that you will be meeting with a student to discuss their graduation this year.
  2. If you text a student directly about their GPA.
  3. If you text your friend in another department for information about your departments FOAPAL code.
  4. If you text your supervisor or if you are the supervisor and the conversation discusses the details of your travel arrangements.
  5. If you are texting about anything that discusses your job, including any part of the job description, then it’s probably a record.

It’s been previously mentioned in some of the in person trainings that employees whose cell phones are personal property (not paid for using a university stipend) are exempt from this rule. However, the Attorney General does not see the funding source of phones as being the decider of what is or is not a record. For more information please read the TSLAC blog post on the issue.

Please seek more advice on this before moving forward. As always give us a call if you have any questions.

What to expect in the remainder of 2017 and on into 2018

Hi everyone!

As most everyone has already seen, we’re rolling out the disposition logs with a deadline of October 31, 2017. It is not our goal to confuse anyone with these forms, but rather to create a process and a full supply of documentation that show Sul Ross’ compliance with the State. With that in mind here’s an outline of what you can expect for the foreseeable future.



  • Final reminder that Disposal Forms were due last April. The deadline is now August 31, 2017.
  • Those who turned their Disposal Forms in last spring have received their Disposition Logs, due October 31, 2017. If you have questions about the Disposition Log, check out this post.


  • Those who turned in their Disposal Forms by the August 31, 2017 deadline will receive their Disposition Logs during this month. They have the same deadline of October 31.


  • October 31, 2017 is the deadline for the Disposition Logs. Once those are turned in, you’ll be good to go until November/December.


  • November 2, 2017 is our next in person training. If you have not yet attended a training, that will be your day to do so. More information will be provided as the date approaches.


  • The next Disposal Form will be due December 15, 2017. This is to account for all of the CE disposition dates across the schedule.



  • Departments who met the December 15, 2017 deadline, will receive their Disposition Logs.


  • Disposition Logs will be due March 30, 2018.
  • Those who did not turn in a Disposal Form or turned one in late will have the same March deadline as those that turned their forms in the previous December.


  • Trainings and other help. This would be a great time to schedule an inventory. If you’d like more information about the inventories, please give us a call.


  • The Records Retention Schedule Draft is due to the State by May 31, 2018. After this date, departments will have one year to make any other changes necessary to the schedule.


  • A down month similar to April. We will suggest that departments schedule inventories at this time.


  • Disposal Forms will be due August 31, 2018 to accommodate for the fiscal year end retention period requirements.

From here we will continue the same process as the year before. This is the schedule that the university will be on for the immediate future. If you ever have any questions along the way, please let us know.


HELP! What about emails?

Hi everyone!

First off, some of you might not have realized that emails are included in the Records Management laws. Typically emails will be your Correspondence – General or Administrative, but not always. Emails are probably the most up to date records that recordholder’s create, daily.

Here’s some steps to help you determine how to figure emails into your Records Management program and fit individual emails into the Records Retention Schedule.

If you’re still unclear about how to classify email’s, visit the Texas Record blog site maintained by TSLAC. They always have great advice.