Howdy Lobos!
Are you really eager to get moving with your personal records management program but have no idea where to start? When laying the foundation for your program I suggest you do two things..
1a. Attend one of the trainings provided by the Records Management division
1b. Schedule a time to have a one-on-one training session (for this I would anticipate a one to one and a half hour long session)
2. After you’ve been properly trained, I would schedule an inventory for your office. During the course of the inventory we will be able to shred/delete documents that are either past retention, unessential or old reference documents.
With training and a completed inventory, you’ll be able to start with a solid foundation to grow from there. Remember that with any changes made, consistent upkeep is needed. Do not plan to tackle records management sparingly. Be prepared to make the necessary changes and keep up with them!
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our offices.