Terms of Service

Blogs by nature are forums for discussion and dialogue. For public and private blogs, we appreciate comments that are civil and on topic and that add value to the conversation. By accessing, creating or contributing to Blogs @ Sul Ross, you agree to abide by these terms. Please read them carefully before posting to or creating any blog pages, posts or comments.

Blogs @ Sul Ross Terms

The contents of all blogs are solely the responsibility of the page authors or contributors, including all posted text, links to media or external web sites. Sul Ross State University does not screen, approve, or endorse any content found on Blogs @ Sul Ross except to review alleged policy or copyright violations. Use of the Sul Ross State University name or logo to endorse or promote any product, opinion, cause or candidate is strictly prohibited. Sul Ross State University reserves the right to remove content that contains personal attacks, obscenity, defamation, false statements of facts or invasion of privacy.  If necessary, Sul Ross State University has the right to prevent access to Blogs @ Sul Ross if such actions continue. All blog authors and contributors should be aware of applicable policies regarding student privacy, copyright and fair use. For more information on campus technology policy, see SRSU’s 
Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources policy.

Comment Policy

Sul Ross encourages reader contribution through comments but reserves the right to remove comments containing personal attacks, obscenity, defamation, false statements of fact or invasion of privacy. In the case of public blogs, off-campus users are free to contribute comments that include their name and email address; however, blatant advertising and spam will also be removed as a service to our readers.