Category Archives: literacy resources

Storytelling Novice

“Storytelling is an age-old art shared among friends, families and strangers, and its presence can captivate young and even older learners in the classroom too.” –Sarah Liu

My Uncle Richard Midgett with his daughter Kelli. He passed away a few years ago from Alzheimer’s disease and is greatly missed.

When I was growing up we used to spend a lot of time with my Uncle Richard and his family. They lived nearby and had two daughters who were close in age to my brothers and me. One of my favorite memories is all of us sitting together listening to my Uncle Richard tell stories. He would use different voices and seemed to pull us all into the experience with the characters. Our favorite story was Br’er Rabbit and the Tar Baby. When he told that one, every person in the room would have tears in their eyes from laughing so hard. Uncle Richard was the greatest storyteller!

I’ve tried my hand at storytelling a few times and never felt very comfortable doing it. I like having the book in my hand and reading the words the author wrote. They know the story best, right? However, just as I remember fondly all the times we listened to my uncle tell stories I’m sure students of all ages can connect with and remember stories told by their teachers, in addition to those read from the text.

I recently tried again to tell a story instead of reading it word for word from the book. The story I retold is called The Boy of the Three-Year Nap, written by Diane Snyder and illustrated by Allen Say. I am somewhat familiar with this story because I used it as an interactive read-aloud a few years ago when I taught third grade. To prepare for the storytelling, I read through the story several times thinking about which events would be the most interesting for the audience and looking for places I might be able to add some sound effects. Next, I took some notes on index cards to help me remember which important events I had chosen to include as I retold the story. Then, I practiced several times, adjusting and revising sections that seemed confusing, rushed, or spots I felt needed more emotion.

Click on the cover to listen to my storytelling recording on Seesaw.

I created an audio recording in Seesaw because that is the primary learning platform for my second-grade class. My audience responded with positive feedback, stating they enjoyed the story. One student stated he liked the way I changed my voice when the main character Taro dressed up as the god Ujigami. Another student commented that it was funny when Taro realized his mom tricked him into having to work.

My critique of my performance is that it wasn’t bad, but it could’ve been better! I felt that I did well giving Taro a specific voice tone when he was dressed up as Ujigami. However, in hindsight, I realized the pacing was too fast. I should have included more pauses to give the audience a chance to process the actions and attitudes of the characters more. Also, more descriptive language and details would have helped them visualize the different settings more effectively. This experience pushed me out of my comfort zone, which can be good for me since sometimes I like to just stick with tasks in which I excel and know I will do well. In closing, I see the benefit of storytelling and think I should spend more time using it with my students.


Snyder, D., Say, A., Houghton Mifflin Company, & Houghton, M. C. (1988). The Boy of the Three-year Nap. Houghton Mifflin.

Lui, Sarah. (2016). The Power of Storytelling in the Classroom: 5 Ways It Can Be a Great Help. Powered by 2U. Retrieved from

Using Nonfiction Texts in the Classroom

Nonfiction informational books are very appealing to students, despite what many adults believe. Young, Bryan, Jacobs, and Tunnel (2020) explained that research shows children desire to read and enjoy reading informational books, but they are not necessarily always accessible to students in a classroom or school setting (pp. 207-208). Children’s nonfiction books that are available today are more appealing than those of the past. “Authors and publishers have discovered that the purpose of an informational book is not merely to present data but to stir readers’ interest in a particular subject” (Young et al., p. 208). Teachers should be aware of this research and make high-interest informational books available to students in their classrooms.

Using nonfiction children’s literature across all content areas strengthens students’ background knowledge and spurs them on to extend their learning about topics that interest them. Here are three important strategies for integrating children’s trade books into all content areas:

  • Students read trade books as they are meant to be read: Opportunities for jumping into books as if students are being transported to another world.
  • Teachers allow students to discover, or uncover, the information: Lessons should be structured to give students freedom for learning with open-ended questions instead of being strictly planned for students to learn only the specific information the teachers choose.
  • Students share their discoveries and insights: Teachers provide authentic ways for students to share their knowledge in a variety of mediums.

Some of the response suggestions shared by Young, et al (2020) from Figure 17.2 Death to the Traditional Book Report (p.245) that would be effective for informational books are listed below:

  • Write a letter to the author
  • Rewrite a section of the book in a radio or stage script
  • Rewrite the information in the book as a news article
  • Make a timeline of important events in the book
  • Make a poster advertising the book
  • Find other books on the same subject and highlight them in a display or poster

Providing opportunities for discussion is also a valuable strategy for teaching with informational texts. “The most natural response to reading is to simply talk about what one has read” (Young et al., 2020, p.243). Student-led discussions in pairs or small groups give children the ability to process what they learn and expand their knowledge through the ideas of their peers.

The most effective use of trade books in classrooms across grade levels and content areas is to inject a balance of fiction and nonfiction, including as many sub-genres as possible. Educators should strive to assist literacy growth, which includes both reading and writing, for all students. Giving students access to a variety of high-interest, well-written nonfiction texts will boost their reading and writing skills. “They’re never going to be able to write these kinds of papers, where they explain an idea or trace an argument if they’re not reading texts that do that for them” (McGraw Hill PreK-12, 2016). Effective teachers are always searching for the best strategies and methods to implement in their classrooms. Intentional use of nonfiction books and strategies for a wide variety of student responses will support students’ literacy learning and increase achievement over time.


McGraw Hill PreK-12. (2016, May 31). Why Teachers Should Balance Narrative and

Information Text. YouTube.

Young, T., Bryan, G., Jacobs, J., & Tunnell, M. (2020). Children’s Literature, Briefly (7th ed.).


Newbery Medal Books

British bookseller, John Newbery’s publishing company was the first to publish books solely for children. The first title he released for children, A Pretty Pocket-Book, was published in 1744. Due to his strong influence in the realm of children’s literature, an award was created in his name–John Newbery Medal. The Newbery Medal has been awarded annually by the American Library Association to the most distinguished children’s book published during the previous year since 1922. Below I will share with you five Newbery Medal award-winning young adult books that I had the privilege of reading.

Flora & Ulysses

Author: Kate DiCamillo

Illustrator: K. G. Campbell

2014 Newbery Award Winner

In this quirky tale, a young girl named Flora Buckman sees her neighbor vacuum up a squirrel and she goes to help it. After giving it CPR, they realize that the squirrel’s experience has given him special powers, such as strength, flying, and typing poetry. The book is about her experiences with the squirrel and interactions with her parents and neighbors who know about the squirrel’s powers. Her mom wants her dad to kill the squirrel, so she spends much of her time helping him evade death. At the beginning of the book, Flora does not believe anyone cares about her. But through all the crazy and unexpected events with the squirrel, she realizes both of her parents, who are recently divorced, love her deeply.

From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

Author & Illustrator: E.L. Konigsburg

1968 Newbery Medal Winner

Set in New York, Claudia Kincaid runs away from home, taking her younger brother, Jamie with her. They live in the Metropolitan Museum of Art for a week, hiding their belongings in various places around the museum and avoiding the museum staff. Claudia sees an angel statue of unknown origin, possibly created by Michelangelo, in the Renaissance exhibit and the mystery intrigues her. The statue was supposedly purchased by Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler in Bologna, Italy before World War II. Claudia wants to know the truth, so she and Jamie spend all the rest of their money for train and cab fare to Mrs. Frankweiler’s home in Connecticut. Mrs. Frankweiler is amused by the children’s interest in the statue and recognizes them as runaways from a newspaper article. Claudia and Jamie find a drawing of the angel in Mrs. Frankweiler’s files and she tells them the truth about its origin. Mrs. Frankweiler promises to leave them the drawing in her will if they will keep her secret. Claudia feels satisfaction in knowing a secret and being different compared to the rest of her friends and family.

Last Stop on Market Street

Author: Matt de la Pena

Illustrator: Christian Robinson

2016 Newbery Medal Winner

C.J. and his Nana ride across town on a city bus every Sunday to serve food at a soup kitchen. One rainy Sunday he is full of questions for Nana, wondering why they must ride the bus instead of their own car and live in an area that is always dirty. She helps him see the beauty in every setting, especially in the people they spend time with from their community. He stops feeling sorry for himself and feels grateful for the people in his life.

The View from Saturday

Author & Illustrator: E. L. Konigsburg

1997 Newbery Medal Winner

Mrs. Olinski is a paraplegic sixth-grade teacher, new to Epiphany Middle School in New York, who is returning to teaching after a 10-year absence due to an accident. She is charged with selecting a team of students to compete in the annual Academic Bowl. A group of students who call themselves The Souls end up being on the team together. The author shares their stories from the first-person point of view and demonstrates their connections to each other and to Mrs. Olinski through their extended family relationships which are intertwined and their mutual search for kindness in others. The Souls succeed in the Academic Bowl, making it all the way to the state finals and winning.

Bridge to Terabithia

Author & Illustrator: Katherine Paterson

1978 Newbery Medal Winner

This book about friendship is set in rural Virginia. Jesse Aarons strikes up a companionship with a female neighbor named Leslie. They create a special place in the woods, across a creek, to spend time together called Terabithia. Jesse is unsure of himself in many ways, nervous to try new things, and fearful of what others think. Leslie helps him gain confidence. One day while he is in Washington with their music teacher, Leslie drowns in the creek trying to get across to Terabithia. Jesse keeps her memory alive by sharing Terabithia with his younger sister.

Bridge of Terabithia Story Pyramid


Fifth grade

In the woods

Jesse has many fears

Leslie runs faster than everyone

Terabithia is their secret magical place

Tragedy strikes while Jesse is in Washington

 Jesse draws strength and courage from Leslie’s memory


Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC). (n.d.). Association for Library Service to

Children (ALSC).

Young, T., Bryan, G., Jacobs, J., & Tunnell, M. (2020). Children’s Literature, Briefly (7th ed.). 


Building a Classroom Library

One important aspect of instilling a passion for reading in young students is providing an appropriate and effective classroom library. Classrooms across every content area and every grade level should contain classroom libraries that contain texts which are appealing and accessible to the students. One characteristic of a quality classroom library is cultural responsiveness. First, students need to be able to identify with the individuals represented in books, so they will try to find characters who look like them. In addition, educators have a responsibility to teach students of all cultures to embrace and celebrate others who are different than themselves. Some children are fearful of people who do not look like they do or act like them due to a lack of knowledge about other cultures. “Literature can be one of the most powerful tools for combating the ignorance that breeds xenophobic and judgmental behaviors” (Young, Bryan, Jacobs, and Tunnell, 2020, p.79).

Culturally Diverse Children’s Books

The Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison provides statistics about culturally diverse children’s books published each year. According to their data, the percentage of multicultural books has not increased over the last 20 years (Howlett & Young, 2019, p.41). This statistic demonstrates the urgency for educators to use intentionally when selecting texts for their classroom libraries. It may require going the extra mile by seeking out specific titles that students in the classroom need. “Getting to know the children in each classroom is one of the most important factors when selecting texts” (Howlett & Young, 2019, p.43). To provide students culturally responsive books in the classroom library, teachers must develop relationships with their students and families. Each classroom contains a unique set of demographics so teachers should strive to provide books that are responsive to the specific represented cultures.

Cultural Authenticity

 As teachers research texts and make selections, they should consider whether each individual book is culturally authentic. Would individuals from the culture believe the book “has accurately and honestly reflected their experiences and viewpoints” (Young, et al., 2020, p. 81)? Books that are written by authors who are not part of the community represented sometimes do not accurately represent that culture. Also, children can be influenced by literature that is not authentic. They may develop stereotypes that negatively affect their understanding of and relationships with others in their community and across the world. “Well-written multicultural (diverse culture) children’s books may serve to help our new generations see people living in far-flung parts of the globe or even in their own city as equal and valuable citizens” (Young, et al., 2020, p.78).

Othering” versus “Centering

After the challenging work of creating a diverse classroom library has been met, some students may not naturally gravitate towards selecting multicultural books. The way a teacher introduces the books is important as well. Young, Bryan, Jacobs, and Tunnell (2020) describe “othering” as a method of introducing a book to students in a way that instills separation because the teacher highlights the geographical distance or the cultural differences of the characters in the book compared to the classroom students. This sets students up to think of the individuals in the text as outsiders with which they have nothing in common. On the other hand, when a teacher introduces a book by asking students personal questions that can help them connect to the events or characters in the book, the students are more aware of the similarities between their lives instead of the differences. This method of focusing on common experiences is called “centering” (Young, et al., 2020, pp.85-86). Sometimes classroom teachers do not realize how much influence they have on their students’ reading attitudes and even views of specific genres or individual texts. Thoughtful preparation of a quality classroom library and intentional planning when introducing multicultural books may “enrich readers’ appreciation of persons of various cultures and help them overcome stereotypical views” (Howlett & Young, 2019, p.40).

Building a high-quality and effective classroom library that is appropriate for the individual students in the classroom is challenging. However, teachers who make it a priority and invest the time and effort to locate culturally responsive texts will reap the benefits through their students’ attitudes and interactions with staff and with each other.

Resources for Developing a Multicultural Classroom Library

Building a Classroom Library Based on Multicultural Principles: A Checklist for Future K-6 Teachers

In this journal article, Howlett and Young have included a list of recommended multicultural books and an evaluation tool that educators can use as they search for multicultural books to include in their classroom libraries.

Carter G. Woodson Book Award Winners

The Carter G. Woodson Book Awards were established for the most distinguished books appropriate for young readers that depict ethnicity in the United States.

Jane Addams’ Children’s Book Award Winners

The Jane Addams’ Award books focus on effectively engaging children in thinking about peace, social justice, global community, and equality for all people.

Notable Books for a Global Society

The Notable Books for a Global Society (NBGS) list was developed to help students, teachers, and families identify books that promote understanding of and appreciation for the world’s full range of diverse cultures and ethnic and racial groups.


Howlett, K. M., & Young, H. D. (2019). Building a Classroom Library Based on Multicultural

Principles: A Checklist for Future K-6 Teachers. Multicultural Education, 26(4-3), 40-46.

Young, T., Bryan, G., Jacobs, J., & Tunnell, M. (2020). Children’s Literature, Briefly (7th ed.).


Digital Libraries

Digital Libraries

Today’s K-12 students use digital literacies daily in their personal lives, many as their primary means of communication with friends and family. Literacy educators have the opportunity to help students become proficient with information and communication technologies (ICT) by balancing “text and tech to integrate these technologies into the literacy curriculum in order to prepare students for the literacy future they deserve (Shearer, Carr, & Vogt, 2019, p.269). One type of digital resource students should be exposed to and learn to navigate are digital libraries. Three such online libraries are Library Thing, International Children’s Digital Library, and Epic Books.

Upon first glance at the Library Thing website, it appears to simply be a place to create and organize collections of book titles. Having a central location to create collections for specific instructional units or strategies is advantageous for educators because they can share the collections with colleagues and return to the lists throughout the year to add additional resources as they come across them in their planning. For example, here is a collection of mentor texts I created that can be used to teach writing strategies to students in grades K-5: Mentor Writing Texts. However, after exploring the site, I realized Library Thing has much more to offer! Users can make connections with others through groups and discussions. They can also read reviews and recommendations on topics or specific books. One feature I think would be especially useful for teachers with classroom libraries is the Library Thing app called Tiny Cat which turns the user’s Library Thing library into an online catalog and circulation desk. Tiny Cat is for small libraries with no staff or volunteer staff. There is a subscription fee, unless it will be used strictly for a personal library, but a 30-day trial is offered so users can try it out before subscribing. (see for more information or view the overview video below)

Library Thing would be beneficial for secondary students to explore because they could connect with readers across the globe and check out a variety of genres by reading recommendations and reviews in addition to creating their personal library collections.


The International Children’s Digital Library supports the goal of helping children all over the world become contributing members of the global community. The ICDL is a free digital library that contains over 4,000 books in 59 languages! Readers of all ages can read books in their entirety as guests or join for free to open additional features like creating their own profiles and bookshelves. The ICDL is viewable in 5 different languages and there are 10 different search options to help readers find the exact type of book they seek. Educators will find this digital library valuable due to its diverse book lists and the ability to access and share with students books from other countries and cultures that may not be available in their campus or local libraries. The website is easy to navigate, but the landing page does contain a large volume of links and information so young children will need help learning how to search for books. One interesting fact about the research team for ICDL is that children ages 7-11 from 4 different countries are included in the research process. They meet twice each week to help design and test the ICDL computer interfaces. One thing I noticed is that the news section does not contain any recent articles, so I wonder if this digital library is continuing to grow or if the project has ended. Either way, the books available in the International Children’s Digital Library would be an excellent addition to any family read aloud time, classroom instructional time, or student independent reading time.


Epic Books is a highly engaging free digital library for elementary readers. My students have used Epic in the classroom when I was teaching in-person learners and at home during the school day as remote learners. The Epic library contains over 40,000 popular and high-quality books, many from well-known and familiar publishers and authors. The books are organized by age and level, with the teacher choosing from 5 leveling systems under settings. Educators can assign individual texts or teacher-created collections to students and track their progress by viewing reports that show the number of books read, number of minutes read, and percentage of success on quizzes. Students who are emergent readers can have books read aloud to them with the text highlighted and audio books, with music and sound effects, are also available at all levels. My campus literacy coach and grade level team members have shared their Epic collections with me, which has helped us provide all students the same access to appropriate texts. For example, when we were analyzing persuasive texts, we worked together as a team to create this collection: Epic Collection–Persuasive Texts. As a full remote second grade teacher this year, Epic Books has been a valuable resource because many students don’t have large personal libraries at home. My students and I have used the texts in Epic regularly for interactive read aloud lessons, analyzing mentor texts for writing lessons, and student-choice independent reading.

            Thousands of free digital resources are available to educators on website and apps, but availability is only one aspect to consider. A few questions to ask when seeking digital libraries and other digital resources are listed below:

  • Are the digital texts well-written and will they be engaging to students?
  • Is the website or app easy for students to navigate and visually appealing?
  • Do the digital texts and resources align with district goals and best practices for teaching literacy?
  • Can the digital library be used as a supplement with the print texts used in the classroom?

All educators know that students from elementary through university level will be on their devices regularly. It would benefit students if we could channel their energies with technology into learning experiences by providing effective instructional digital resources for them to use in and out of the classroom setting.


Epic! Creations Inc. (2013). Epic–Books for Kids. Epic – Books for Kids.

ICDL – International Children’s Digital Library. (2002, November). International Children’s

Digital Library.

Library Thing | Catalog your books online. (2005, August). Library Thing.

Shearer, B., Carr, D., & Vogt, M. (2019). Reading specialists and literacy coaches in the real  

world (4th ed.). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc.

Young, T., Bryan, G., Jacobs, J., & Tunnell, M. (2020). Children’s Literature, Briefly (7th ed.).


Best Practices for Choosing Literacy Materials

            Selecting quality reading and writing resources for students in grades K-12 is a vital piece to student growth and achievement in literacy. Most districts create a textbook committee, task the committee to preview and evaluate available reading programs, then make recommendations to the administration and school board based on their committee discussions and ratings. Here are some key points to consider when selecting committee members, determining which programs to evaluate, and what procedures to use for reviewing and recommending literacy resources.

Textbook Selection Committee

            Literacy leaders, administrators, grade level representatives in elementary schools, and literacy department teachers in secondary schools should be on the committee that previews and evaluates literacy resources the district is considering purchasing. “Teachers needs to be involved in the decision-making process” because they are in the trenches with the current student population and understand what students need (Cerna, 2017). Reading specialists and literacy coaches have a deeper understanding of the current reading programs being used in the district as well as more knowledge and skills to evaluate the program being considered (Shearer, Carr, & Vogt, 2019, p.252). Because of this, literacy specialists are sometimes asked to coordinate and lead the adoption of literacy materials for the district. Shearer, et al. also recommend including students in the selection process at the secondary level. “Invite one or two middle and secondary students to serve on the committee that will be reviewing the instructional materials” (2019, p.262). Including students will make them feel heard and demonstrate that the district values their opinions as stakeholders.

Advanced Preparation

Before the committee meets to listen to publishers’ presentations, review, discuss, and evaluate literacy materials, the coordinator needs to complete some leg work in advance. Here are seven helpful steps to take prior to the first committee meeting:

  1. Provide background on best practices.
  2. Study the district’s literacy standards and needs assessment.
  3. Research the state and district adoption policies and guidelines.
  4. Determine what procedures the committee will use when examining the resources.
  5. Create a calendar schedule that includes dates for meetings and deadlines for completion of tasks.
  6. Be intentional about where the materials will be displayed and arrange for their delivery. Schedule presentations the publishers will deliver to the committee.
  7. Host the first committee meeting to being to review the materials.

Examining and Evaluating Literacy Resources

            Every sales representative will taut their products are the best! They will tell the committee their program is research-based, includes balanced literacy instructional components, accommodates special populations, provides engaging digital resources, and has quality training and support for staff. It is the responsibility of the textbook committee to weed through the sales pitches and evaluate the “meat” of the programs. They should determine if the components and services provided align with the district’s literacy needs. To facilitate the evaluations, a program survey, based on student needs, should be created in advance to guide the committee members as they rate the individual components of each program. Guiding questions provided to the committee may also be helpful as they consider all the various aspects of the literacy programs being considered. Waveland Press, Inc. provides an excellent resource for guiding questions online titled “Establishing Guidelines: 20 Questions for Examining Reading Program Materials” (see that was written by Shearer, Carr, & Vogt (2019, p.256). During the adoption process, be aware of the sales representative’s attention to detail and availability as this provides a good indicator of how they will support the staff and district over the long-term during the years of the adoption. Technology components are more important than ever for the 21st century learner. The committee should spend time exploring the online components of each program to evaluate their alignment with standards, engagement level, and ease of use for students and teachers. In addition, the chairperson or leader of the textbook selection committee needs to secure “a commitment, in writing, that the publishers are actually going to provide professional development, not just product training” (Shearer et al., 2019, p.263).

Implementing a Newly Adopted Literacy Program

            One of the downfalls to adopting a new program can sometimes be the lack of structure for its implementation. District literacy leaders have an integral part in working with the publishers and administration to create a timeline for implementation that not only provides initial professional development, but also supports teachers over time. “…best results come from not only having a high-quality program but having a strong infrastructure for accountability in its implementation” (Shearer et al., 2019, p.263). Countless schools across the US have adopted new reading programs without an effective long-term plan in place for implementing the program. The materials end up gathering dust on shelves in classrooms and storage closets instead of being in the hands of students for daily instruction. Every staff member has a varying degree of comfort when it comes to new programs. Literacy coaches and specialists can provide ongoing workshops to small groups and individualized support with using the materials and teaching the lessons until the teachers feel comfortable on their own.

            After having served on three textbook adoption committees during my career, I can say from personal experience that it can be overwhelming to explore all the components of multiple reading programs and determine which one best meets the needs of the district and student population. However, it was also exciting to be part of the selection process! Seeing the presentations first-hand, previewing the print and digital materials, and discussing the programs with colleagues from other campuses across the district made me feel valued. I was proud to volunteer my time as a representative from my campus and have a role in the decision-making process.


Shearer, B., Carr, D., & Vogt, M. (2019). Reading specialists and literacy coaches in the real                         

world (4th ed.). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc.

How to Select Materials for Literacy Instruction. (2017, August 2). [Video]. YouTube.