Strategic Plan Steering Committee

The Strategic Plan Steering Committee is composed of the following individuals.  Please feel free to contact anyone on the list with comments and ideas in the process.

Dr. Bonnie Warnock, Professor of Natural Resource Management, CHAIR

Dr. Jeanne Qvarnstrom, Asst. Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness

Dr. Rob Kinucan, Dean, College of Agriculture & Natural Resource Sciences

Dr. Joey Velasco, Associate Professor of Communication and President, Faculty Assembly

Dr. Gina Stocks, Asst. Professor of Education, Rio Grande College

Ms. Mary Beth Marks, Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management

Ms. Yvonne Realivasquez, Director of Administration

Ms. Gail Collier, Director of Human Resources

Ms. Kara O’Shaughnessy, Admin. Asst./Database Manager, External Affairs

Ms. Liz Pena, Director of the Small Business Development Center, Rio Grande College

Ms. April Aultman Becker, Dean of Libraries and Research Technologies

Ms. Martha Serrano, Admin. Coordinator, Physical Plant Operations

Mr. Dave Gibson, Chief Information Officer, Office of Information Technology

2 thoughts on “Strategic Plan Steering Committee

  1. Thomas Reyes

    Why isn’t there anyone on the SRSU Strategic Plan Steering Committee who represents the Arts and Sciences College? Is this an oversight or part of the strategic plan for the future of Sul Ross State University?

    1. ksd15ka Post author

      Thank you for your interest in the strategic planning process and taking time to voice your concerns.

      Perspectives and opinions of the College of Arts and Sciences are represented in 4 ways. First, the chair of the subcommittee working on the strategies that will deliver the Academic Excellence objective is the dean of the College (or his representative). Second, several subcommittee chairs looking after other objectives come from departments within the College. Third, subcommittee members come from a cross-section of the university, including arts and sciences departments. Fourth, the draft of the strategic plan will be widely circulated and open for comments during the Spring 2017 term before it is submitted for final administrative approval.

      We trust this approach ensures that ALL of the colleges, departments and units of the university are well-represented in the process. Meanwhile, we will be updating this blog shortly to showing the steering committee members and which subcommittees they are chairing. If you are interested learning more about a particular subcommittee, please let us know so we can get you in touch with the chair.


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