IE Newsletter | June 2017
PEER REVIEW MEETS JUNE 14TH Eighteen faculty and staff met on June 14th to review the academic assessment reports that were created for 2016-2017. Participants in the photo foreground include Dr. Jimmy Case, Dr. Sharon Hileman, and Dr. Jorge Hernandez. Feedback from the reviewers was sent back to the program coordinators for any editing necessary. All of the academic assessment reports will be included in the SACSCOC Compliance Report for SRSU accreditation. Reviewers from the past two years observed that the reports demonstrate ongoing refinement of the academic programs that we offer SRSU students. DR. JOHN HARDT VISITS SRSU On June 6, 2017, Dr. John Hardt met with over 70 faculty, administration, and staff groups from Alpine and RGC to review our preparations for our SACSCOC Accreditation Compliance Report that…