Hello world!

Successful Strategies for English Learners of all ages and stages!

  1. Write the word on the wall.
  2. Model and explain the definition.
  3. Use Visuals (pictures and videos if available)
  4. Add to the word wall w/ illustrations.
  5. Student created illustrations of their own interpretation of the meaning.
  6. Students share work with peers while explaining their illustrations.

*Environmental labeling in classroom and around the campus.

*Interactive Word Walls

*Individual Word Journals/picture dictionary

Introducing Letters and Sounds

  1. Write the letter on board.
  2. Model proper writing structure of letter.
  3. Model proper sound with a kinesthetic movement.
  4. Brainstorm as a group words/names with the sound (initial, medial, and final)
  5. Play “I spy the letter….” around the room.
  6. Write the room, and copy words with the letter in it; then identify initial, medial, or final position.

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