What to expect from the Training Sessions

Training sessions are currently being offered in person to those at the Alpine campus and soon-to-be online for those at the RGC campuses.

Here are a few things to know about the training’s:

  1. The training’s are always a good opportunity for those needing one-on-one help to ask their questions.
  2. There is a total of six training topics that everyone will need to improve their knowledge of Records Management. They include Record Retention Basics, Reading the Schedule, Organizing State Records, E-Records, Archival Process, and Conducting an Inventory. These sessions are not designed for individuals to pick one and leave another. They build on each other. For your benefit, trainees are encourage to hear all six topics discussed, and preferably in order.
  3. The training’s have been combined to equal only three days worth of training sessions with two topics discussed each day. The following is a break down of what topics are discussed at each training session.
    • Record Retention Basics and Reading the Schedule
      1. Where did Record Retention come from?
      2. What does the legislation say about the Records Management laws?
      3. What is a record and who are the record holders?
      4. Why would you want to practice good Records Management techniques?
      5. What is the schedule and where can I find the schedule?
      6. How to read the schedule.
      7. The rules regarding changes made to the schedule.
    • Organizing State Records and E-Records
      1. What is the difference between Records Retention and Records Management?
      2. Why is organizing your records important?
      3. Tips and tricks to organize records effectively.
      4. What is classified as an E-Record and how do they fit into the Records Management program?
      5.  What about emails?
      6. How to properly retain and preserve records on your computers.
      7. Scanned copies and Microfilm requirements.
      8. Social Media and Text Messages
    • Archival Process and Conducting an Inventory
      1. Why the records need approval from an Archivist?
      2. What do the I and O Archival codes mean on the schedule?
      3. The process of communication between departments at the University Archives
      4. What is an inventory and why is it important?
      5. Summary of the Inventory process

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the upcoming training’s. If you have any questions between now and then, please contact April Aultman Becker or myself. Contact information is found below or on the tab titled “About Us.”

Records Management Officer: April Aultman Becker, april.becker@sulross.edu, (432) 837-8121

Records Management Coordinator: Kayla Waggoner, kayla.waggoner@sulross.edu, (432) 837-8124

2 thoughts on “What to expect from the Training Sessions

  1. Wow, this seems very complicated! Glad that you are in charge of this–I would be way over my head.

    1. Hi Kevin! Thank you for the comment.
      We’re working on recording the trainings so our friends at the RGC campuses can stay up to date.
      Let us know if you have any questions about Records Management.

      Kayla Waggoner

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