DeStress Fest begins November 30th

FlyerDeStress2015fallThe end of the semester can be intense, so we invite students and staff to pause for fun and relaxation during our second annual DeStress Fest.  DeStress Fest will be held November 30th – December 2nd during the hours of 4-5pm at the Bryan Wildenthal Memorial Library.  Here is the line-up:

Monday – November 30,  4-5pm: Yoga in the Library
Ms. Kleo Maxwell will lead a basic yoga class on the library’s first floor near the popular magazine section. This simple session, open to beginners and advanced yogis alike, is sure to leave you feeling refreshed.  Kleo will provide a limited number of yoga mats and blocks, but feel free to bring your personals if you own them.

Tuesday – December 1, 4-5pm: Paws with a pup
Gentle dogs from the Alpine Humane Society will visit just outside the library doors. Stop by and spend some time with these lovable friends.

Wednesday – December 2, 4-5pm: Adult coloring
Unwind with colorful crayons and your coloring book of choice in the library’s first floor conference room 104.

Every day at the library:

Puzzles – Take a moment to put a few puzzle pieces into place at the jigsaw puzzle located just inside the library’s front doors.  (After DeStress Fest, puzzles will be moved to the area behind the copy machines so that you can relax with them whenever you would like.)

Board Games – Check out a board game for use in the library. Bring some friends and have a little fun while you break from research, studies, and work. These games are brand new to the collection and include hits like the Walking Dead Survival Edition of Monopoly, Risk, Pandemic, and Tsuro. Ask about them at the Circulation Desk.

Netflix and Hulu streaming – Take time out with your favorite movie or series. Check out viewing room 123 to stream Netflix and Hulu services.

DeStress Fest SRSU 2014 (2web) DeStress Fest SRSU 2014 (3web)DeStress Fest SRSU Library

View and print the 2015 DeStress Fest flyer.