Need data?

Whether you need data for reporting, Program Reviews or planning, IR is here to help.

If you already know what you need, you can use the IR Data Request Form or send an email to When submitting a data request is important to be specific. Here are some tips for sending a complete data request:

  • What is the data time period? Think about whether you need the data presented by year (Calendar, Academic, Fiscal?) or by term; do you need a single time period or you need information over time?
  • Who/what is included in the subset? If you need data regarding students, think about what subset you care about; all students, only undergraduates, only graduates, only of certain classification (e.g. freshman, seniors, etc.); only if enrolled on a given program, only in Alpine or RGC campus?
  • When do you need the data? Emergencies happen, and that’s OK. But, whenever possible, submit your data request as early as possible. Be sure to include information about your preferred timeline.
  • What is the reason for the data request? As in other departments, there’s much prioritization happening at IR. Knowing the purpose and level of urgency of the request is important in helping me prioritize data requests to ensure everyone gets the information they need in a timely manner.

If you’re not exactly sure what you need to craft your data request, or you have a large/complex data request, feel free set up an appointment – call (x8585) or send an email ( – or stop by the IR’s Office (BAB 202); we’ll figure it out together.