
Institutional Research

In October 2016, I joined Sul Ross State University as the Director of Institutional Research. In this capacity I am responsible for completing mandatory reporting to governmental and other agencies and for transforming data into information that can contribute to improved decision making and planning. Need data? Visit the IR Website and the IR Blog.

Other roles at SRSU

Part-time Instructor of Economics. During Fall 2018 I taught ECO 5303 Managerial Economics; this semester, Spring 2019, I am teaching ECO 5304 Research and Readings in Economics. Check out the website for the Department of Business Administration

QEP Data Coordinator. For information about the SRSU Quality Enhancement Plan, visit the QEP Website

Institutional Review Board Member. This body reviews and approves research proposals from faculty and students that require the participation of human subjects. For more information visit the IRB Website.

SRSU Qualtrics Brand Administrator. Qualtrics is web-based survey tool to conduct survey research, evaluations and other data collection activities. For more information or to access Qualtrics visit the SRSU Qualtrics page.

Contact Information:

Alejandra Villalobos Meléndez |axv16gy@sulross.edu | 432-837-8585 BAB 202 | PO Box C11 Alpine, TX 79832

Curriculum Vitae